Saturday, April 5, 2014


Grill Cleaning should be done regularly and barbeque tools should be always cleaned after they been used. But before you start to clean your grill, you should read the owners manual first. Different grills and different materials aren´t cleaned in the same way.

If you are cleaning a charcoal grill, remember that coals can´t be removed immediately after use. Sometimes it can take two to three days before coals can be removed from the grill. Hot or warm coals should not be should not be taken into a trashcan or placed into a plastic bucket, warm coals can cause a fire.

Cleaning Grill Grates
Grill grates should be removed before cleaning. Use a rags, wire grill brushes or steel wool for cleaning grill grates. For stubborn grease stains you might need some warm soapy water or oven cleaner. Before you set the grate back, coat it with a thin film of cooking oil.



Tips to keep in mind:
    • A clean grill burns better and doesn't leave a bad taste on foods.

    • Keeping grill surfaces lightly coated with cooking oil or spray will make clean up much easier.

    • If the gas jets are clogged, consider replacing the burner or carefully clean them with a soft wire brush.

    • Regular cleaning makes the job much easier. 

        * Let us know how you get your grill clean and ready for bbq and what tools/products do you use to get it done?

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        1. Yes, I understand this it is certainly very difficult to clean grill which has lots of burned coal residue on it. That's why I have special Grill Brush only use for this purpose. Watching the charcoal heat up to the correct shade of gray for a perfect barbecue is almost relaxing and most enjoyable time for me.

        2. Thank you Gordan for stopping by and yes it is a great idea to have special brushes for this purpose. For me having a clean grill is a great way to start my perfect barbeque whiles sipping on some drinks :)
